Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sometimes a Constitutional right is just... wrong.

It's not rocket science - to end gun deaths - but it is greed and ignorance that keeps the US from being like other civilized countries. Sometimes a Constitutional right is just wrong.

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths

When will the US learn that just because it's been in the Constitution from Day One doesn't mean it should still be there? So many things have changed in our lives since the Constitution was written and we've done amendments before. Why is this one so darn hard for some people to let go of? For me it boils down to greed. Greed is the motivator of so many things in the world today but killing has to be at the top of the list. Not just wars, shootings at schools, theaters, parks, social events ... it runs the gamut.

"Guns and Greed." It should be the new American slogan. We can put it on our money, in place of "In God We Trust," because, obviously, too many don't really trust in their god. They trust in their guns.

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