Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Two Days Ago, on Facebook ...

... someone told me they were going to vote Republican to "take back our country."

I'm sorry but just when, exactly, did we lose our country? Do we have a foreign militia walking our streets? No. Did we have a coo that now occupies our Whitehouse (or any government buildings, for that matter)? No. Do we have air strikes on our homes and stores daily? No. Do we have curfews because being out at certain times we're likely to be gunned down by snipers or abducted? No. Are our boys being stolen from their beds or their mother's arms and forced to fight for the enemy, with the fear of knowing that if they refuse they will be killed and so will their family? No.

This is not America. We have not lost our country. Those that tell you it's been lost are liars and schemers wanting to put the same fear in you that's in them.

So, if you want to see a people that have lost their country, visit Iran, Syria, and other Middle Eastern countries ... where people are fleeing for their LIVES. THOSE people have lost their countries.

Americans saying we've lost OUR country are liars, cowards and terrorist of the mind.


Where children sleep during the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

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